I am a good speaker, but I am a loser
When I scream out of my lungs and people don't listen
I am a good decision maker but I am a loser
When I take a wrong decision and that hurts
I am a strong believer of God but I am a loser
When my beliefs distance me from humanity
I am a good leader but I am a loser
When I lead people to a wrong course
I am a good manager but I am a loser
When I don't know how to manage people
I am a good learner but I am a loser
When I don't use my learnings for doing good deeds
I am a good critic but I am a loser
If I criticize people for what they do with bias
I am a good father but I am a loser
If I don't respect my parents in front of my kids
I am a good driver of the Vehicle I own but I am loser
If I don't realize and understand the fact that people who are walking on the road came first on the earth and not my vehicle and they need to be respected when they walk on the road..
Yes I am a loser if i don't understand any of the above facts..
It is the fact, apply it-> to feel it-> to realize it->to character it !!:)!
And you'll be the Winner!