You Lose near and Dear ones and you think it may be the easiest job to Perform however it can take you years to wipe out them from Mind, heart and Soul. To actualy realise that yes they are not with you any more is one of the biggest Challanges.
Gradually they will not be there with you any more but few things that can be worked out before you are pushed or you want to push yourself into that Dead Ended Zone.
1. Always carry a good faith in Almighty that whatever happenes is for good.
2. Never Keep any hard feeling for a person who is pushing you to leave or being pushed to do so
3. Pray for yourself and the person you are losing (Relation Ship) it will give you peace from within.
4. Try not to avoid that person, the more you avoid thinking of him the more you will get into the bad note of getting confused as to what have you done.
5. Reconciling as to what is getting actioned by you or what has been forced is actually approprite or not, can this be avoided at present OR can this be given a second thought(Remember Relationships are easy to break but it takes years to build the amount of trust that is invested)
6. Never end the realtion ship at a bad note, it has adverse effects, always push for a concensus.
7. Making the other person comfortable who is being pushed off is as equally important as you are comfortable doing that.
8. Gratitude is not a bad Idea to express while leaving people, it helps in building the feeling of good faith.
9. Remember "Realtionship" was an agreement how can this be ended with a is Disagreement, if so, it always conflicts with the Idea of breaking it up.
10. Last but not least, following the above points are important for you not for the person who is at the reciving end, taking care of the above points will always help you as it is meant for you as you are the one who is thinking of breaking the realtionship
To end this with a note for a person who is at the recieving End..
One Liner for those Poor people who are at the recieving end to be Optimistic in thier life"Kuch Toh Majburian Rahin Hongi, Yuhin koi Bewafa nahi hota"